Thursday, December 24, 2015

Where and what is the best way to grind money?


answer: Hmm, bug hunting and selling the bugs instead of trading them? Not sure as I haven't had a money problem issue since I hardly ever buy anything. Maybe Old Mansion or sewers for some decent earlish spots (I've only been playing about 17 hours and gotten my D Watch just recently so I don't have much knowledge of higher-level areas).
answer I actually find that using the Yo-cam is very useful since one of the early rewards I got was a Golden Doll which is sold for $800.

answer I could have sworn that the golden dolls sold for $600?
  I just finished the quest to the yo kai world and did as much grinding there as possible, after about an hour I was up $2000. Battling in all the quest spots like the school, the hospital and so forth gave me a lot of money. I do recommend selling all the dolls you get.


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