Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Yo-Kai Watch Battle Guide: Tribes, Personalities And Element Types Explained

One of the most unique aspects of Yo-Kai Watch is the battle system. Unlike other monster hunting games like Pokemon, the yo-kai fight on their own while you perform other tasks to make sure your team comes out victorious.
It’s a little daunting with the amount of things that can happen in one battle but after some time you’ll be a master at yo-kai battles.
But we want to make the battle system easier to understand especially when there are so many small things that you will need to know before you go into your first battle. Of course, we are talking about the tribes, a yo-kai’s personality and the element types that can help you swing the tide of battle in your favor.
So let’s dive into the battle system in Yo-Kai Watch starting with the basics.


Once you go into battle you’ll see four tabs on the lower 3DS screen. These tabs are SOULTIMATE, TARGET, ITEMS and PURIFY.
yokaiwatchgameplay2 The battle system in Yo-kai Watch Nintendo
SOULTIMATE is your yo-kai’s special attack and is the only order you can give to your yo-kai in battle. Once a battle starts, all of your yo-kai will have their spirit gauge full and you can perform your SOULTIMATE.
When it’s activated you’ll have one of three mini-games proc in your lower screen. Either spin the stylus till the gauge is full, or tap on the floating coins and the last is the trace the symbols using your stylus.
The spirit gauge will fill up on its own as the battle goes on but to fill it up quicker you can either use an item to fill it or attack an enemy yo-kai that is inspirited.
TARGET does just that, you can target which yo-kai you want to focus your attacks on. This makes it easier to knock down one enemy at a time. Or in the case of boss battles, you’ll use this to focus your attacks on a specific weak point.
You can also use this to target a wandering wisp. You’ll see this wisp as it goes across the screen, once you target it the wisp will go away and give you items and more experience.
ITEMS are pretty self-explanatory. You can use these items to recover health and spirit during battle but once you use it you’ll have to wait a few seconds before you can use another item. You can also use items before a battle begins, like using food on an enemy to make them friendly towards you or using an item to run away.
PURIFY is used when one of your yo-kai is inspirited by an enemy. You’ll see this by a giant X on your yo-kai’s slot in the bottom screen. What you do when this happens is rotate the wheel till the inspirited yo-kai is in your back three and then press PURIFY.
Like the SOULTIMATE, a mini-game will appear that will help your yo-kai overcome the inspiriting. This also gives extra experience.


With the basics out the way, let’s get into the individual yo-kai. The first aspect you’ll want to check out are the yo-kai’s stats.
There are four stats that determine your yo-kai’s strength and that is STRENGTH, SPIRIT, DEFENSE and SPEED.
yokai watch stats The stats for your Yo-Kai iDigitalTimes
STRENGTH determines how strong your yo-kai’s normal attack is. This is usually a physical punch, kick, slap etc..
SPIRIT is how strong your yo-kai’s technique is. This is usually the elemental attack that your yo-kai will employ.
DEFENSE is how well they can take hits.
SPEED is how well your yo-kai can avoid hits and being inspirited.


Yo-kai don’t have “types” like Pokemon does but they do have tribes that determine how their fighting style and stats are laid out.
yo-kai watch tribes 6 of the 8 tribes in Yo-Kai Watch iDigitalTimes
There are eight tribes that you can find in the world of Yo-Kai Watch.
Brave Tribes have the largest STRENGTH stats in the game as they excel at attacking.
Mysterious Tribes use powerful techniques so they excel in the SPIRIT stat.
Tough Tribes excel in the DEFENSE stat and can take plenty of hits.
Charming Tribes excel in the SPEED stat and are very hard to hit.
Heartful Tribes are the healers of the yo-kai world and use their powers to heal themselves and their team.
Shady Tribes use status effects and attacks that absorb HP.
Eerie use their Inspirit abilities to inspirit enemies. This is what they will focus on doing more than attacking.
Slippery Tribes like Charming Tribes are difficult to hit and inspirit. Good luck getting off attacks.
Now, you can utilize special team bonuses if you have more than yo-kai of a tribe in battle at a time. If your front three yo-kai consist of two or three of one tribe, they’ll get a boost in a specific stat. Obviously, if you have all three of your front yo-kai from one time the team bonus will be stronger than if there were only two.
Here are the team bonuses from each Tribe: (we are still testing)
Charming = Speed boost
Tough = Defense boost
Eerie = Inspirit boost
Shady = Inspirit boost
Brave = Attack boost
Heartfelt = Recovery boost
Mysterious = Spirit boost
Slippery = Inspirit Defense boost


Along with Tribes, each yo-kai represents a specific element that makes them strong and weak against other yo-kai elements. There are eight elements and you can identify which element a yo-kai represents by the element in the Technique tag of the yo-kai’s information page.
yokai watch element The elements of Yo-Kai are found in the Technique tab iDigitalTimes
The eight elements and what they are strong against are shown below. NOTE: we are still testing
Fire > Ice
Wind > Earth
Water > Fire
Lightning > Water
Earth > Lightning
Absorption >
Rejuvenation >
Ice >


The personality or attitude of a yo-kai determines its specific fighting style. More than its Tribe or stats, the attitude of a yo-kai can help you build a team of different-minded yo-kai.
yokai watch attitude The attitude of your Yo-Kai determined their fighting style. iDigitalTimes
NOTE: We are still testing which attitude does which and we will continue to update
UPDATE: The good folks at the Yo-Kai Watch subreddit has clarified some things regarding the attitudes. The first is the likelyhood of loafing. This is ranked from lest likely to loaf to most likely. 
1. Serious
2. Stiff
3. Carefree
4. Loafer
The second part of ther personality, again, determines how they fight in battle and if a certain stat is increased. Here's a handy table to inform you what personality does what. More in-depth explanation of attitudes follow the table.
yokaiattitudes The table of attitudes/personalities in Yo-kai Watch Nintendo

Stiff: Less likely to Loaf around
Careful: Excels at guarding so it will take the brunt of the damage for your team to not get hit.
Rough: Focus on attacking
Collected: Will guard a lot
Carefree: More likely to loaf around
Grouchy: Focus on attacking
Serious: Less likely to Loaf around
Logical: More likely to use techniques
Twisted: Use inspirit more
Gentle: like to heal
Tender: like to heal
Helpful: Use inspiriting to support team
Devoted: Use inspiriting to support team
Cruel: Use inspirit more
Brainy: More likely to use techniques
Attitudes of yo-kai can be changed by certain books that you will find on your journey so go ahead and experiment to see which yo-kai goes best with which attitude.


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